For commercial partners

Please reach us via our contact us page if you cannot find an answer to your question.

If you’re interested in partnering with Decided commercially the following may help to answer some of your questions.

Fantastic, and we appreciate your interest. We always ask that our partners look at the services we are offering and their own services to establish synergies before contacting us as this ensures consideration of the time for both companies. If you have already done that, great, let’s get started:
  1. Email us at Bedecided@decidedltd.com or complete our contact us form to request an introduction call. Typically the intro call is about 45 minutes long and would feature the following:-
    1. People introductions (10mins)
    2. Prospective Commercial Partner Introduction (10 mins)
      1. Goods and Services
      2. Synergies
      3. Why you are interested in partnering with us
    3. Decided Ltd and Prospective Commercial Partner Discussion (15 mins)
      1. Discussion on synergies
      2. Discussion on suitability
      3. Affirmation of scalability
    4. Questions and Close (10mins)
  2. Typically within 5 UK business days Decided will be in touch with you to advise of next steps / actions as appropriate, these can include (but not limited to):-
    1. Yes:
      1. Partnership Agreement / Non-Disclosure Agreements / Master Services Agreements / Non-Compete Agreements
      2. Payment Terms and Terms of Contract/Service
      3. Security Validation (where applicable)
      4. Partnership Disclosure Consultation
      5. A notice will be issued to communicate the outcome.
    2. No:
      1. A notification of non-success at this time being issued with accompanying reasons
      2. An offer may be extended to discuss the outcome if required and reasonable
    3. Maybe:
      1. A list of questions may be issued for clarification before making a decision
      2. An offer may be extended to discuss the clarifications if required and reasonable
      3. Next steps and actions will be agreed upon where applicable
      4. A notice will be issued to communicate the outcome.
Although this is not a typical question we do get asked this A LOT, truth is, we do NOT buy these lists nor are we interested in them. Our reasoning is that we usually are speaking directly to a client already or are introduced by another partner to said client.

Great question. Generally we have 4 categories of partnerships:-

  • Commercial Partnerships – Tier 1:
    • These partnerships are created to advocate the products / services for both parties, improve promotion of each others goods and services, strengthen relations and increase strategic collaboration, mutually increase financial returns, etc
  • Commercial Partnerships – Tier 2:
    • These Partnerships focus on Conferences, Events and KeyNote opportunities where we are invited to attend / exhibit / speak at as a representative
  • Promotion Partnerships:
    • Promotion partnerships are simply to increase awareness of specific and agreed Promotional Partners
  • Future Partnerships
    • Timing is super important, sometimes opportunities arise but the timing does not work; whatever that reason is sometimes we need to pause the path. FP allows us that opportunity whilst also keeping the pipeline active and open for these partners and ourselves to explore options.

Our partners range in size from SME through to multi-national corporations; we focus on merit not size. 

Generally, yes.  Our partners are based across the world in multiple locations, this geographic diversity allows us to increase our own diversity, local knowledge, cultural influences, language reach, and to be more connected to the people we work with. 

Be Decided


Decided is not just a business, it is not just a name, it is a commitment to achieving mutual success.
Be Decided, make today count for tomorrow.